Leonardo da Vinci A genius , architect, painter, theorist, engineer and scientist
Leonardo da Vinci A genius , architect, painter, theorist, engineer and scientist
Leonardo da Vinci An actor, architect, painter, theorist and scientist born in 1452 His notebook on which he worked on different subjects, Astronomy, botany, painting and cartography. Most of the time of his life he stayed in Florence, where he was successful to attract many students and imitators. Throughout his life he achieved admiration and followers. He was also considered one of the founders of renaissance. His most influential paintings were The Last Supper, Vitruvian Man, magnum opus, and Mona Lisa. His most expensive painting was Salvator Mundi sold in US $450.3. Leonardo earliest work was on Arnno valley painting where he first time talk about Arno River between Florence and Pisa. 1478-81 Leonardo was sent as an ambassador to Ludovic il Moro by Lorenzo de Medci. Leonardo made many sketches and detailed drawings of all things that took his attention. Most important is Vituvian Man study of proportions of human body.
Leonardo’s artistic work covers sciences, engineering and natural Philosophy. These studies were covered in 13,000 pages. It was maintained his throughout daily life events and observations during his travel. Most of his writings are in mirror image cursive. He wrote with his left hand and it was easy for him to write in right to left. He used to cover topic in both words and pictures on single sheet. Among the works created by Leonardo in the 16th century is the small portrait known as the or La Gioconda, the laughing one.
Fetus in wombIn the present era, it is arguably the most famous painting in the world. Its fame rests, in particular, on the elusive smile on the woman's face, its mysterious quality perhaps due to the subtly shadowed corners of the mouth and eyes such that the exact nature of the smile cannot be determined.https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/6478296238090566505/9030796537842479461
As far as Leonardo as scientist is concern his information was observational describing in detail. Some of the scientists do not agree him as scientist because he did not get formal education but his writings are in that much in detailed and comprehensive that some could not deny his contribution in science and technology.
A design for flying machine
During his lifetime, Leonardo was also valued as an engineer. With the same rational and analytical approach that moved him to represent the human body and to investigate anatomy, Leonardo studied and designed many machines and devices.Leonardo started his study in the under the apprenticeship of Verrocchio, who demanded that his students develop a deep knowledge of the subject. As an artist, he quickly became master of topographic anatomy, drawing many studies and other visible anatomical features. Leonardo also studied and drew the anatomy of many animals, dissecting cows, birds, monkeys, bears, and frogs, and comparing in his drawings their anatomical structure with that of humans. He also made a number of studies of horses.
Leonardo psychological sketch of human brain and skull
Leonardo's fame within his own lifetime was such that the King of France carried him away like a trophy, and was claimed to have supported him in his old age and held him in his arms as he died. Interest in Leonardo and his work has never diminished. Crowds still queue to see his best-known artworks, T-shirts still bear his most famous drawing, and writers continue to hail him as a genius while speculating about his private life, as well as about what one so intelligent actually believed in. Leonardo was died in 1519 at the age of 67 and he was certainly buried in the of Saint Florentin at the Château d'Amboise in 12 August 1519.
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